Jyotishraj Thoudam
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2022


A theory on learning, intuition, understanding, vision and in connection an ecstasy of thought

DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/u847n

OSF Preprints | Concept of Time, Godlike Personality, Unified Field Theory, Language, Learning Theory, Number Theory, Vibing Theory & An Ecstasy of Thoughts


This theory is however a personal account on the techniques of achieving the excellence we all deserve and which is going to help mankind achieve the unachievable. It requires a mixing of ideas which contains, non linearity from mathematics to nutrition from biology.

1. Introduction

This theoretical study is based on the understanding of mainly asking questions at the boundaries of human knowledge. The author is well aware of the inconsistencies which might arise from this brief proposition, however it may not have happened to anyone who is fully conscious about the things which I am about to demonstrate. Here, the author takes the concept of Non-Linearity from Mathematics, which is equivalent to the concept of a picture speaking a thousand words, the concept of smacking the entire concept or knowledge in one go into the brain. This idea is extrapolated to the concept of time, where computation can be achieved without the need for a serial or parallel processing, rather it is computable in the present time alone, removing the concept of time and everything existing in the present is proposed. Also, some other things relating to the Gods as everyone and everywhere is also gauged from the author’s perspective and is proposed through the concept of the author’s own quantum mechanical brain. This should not be surprising because recently the author submitted in the American mathematical society journal that P is equal to NP.

However, lets not digress from the topic at hand and dive into the details of computation. God is everyone and everywhere, asking the logic of consistent arguments and others which also includes our understanding of language.

2. God is everyone and everywhere

According to chromosomal theory[1], chromosome number 6 sums up that we all humans have intelligence, and it is the intelligence chromosome. This is taken from the book Matt Ridley’s Genome: Autobiography of a species. It was also written inside this chapter that, “The genes may give the appetite but not the aptitude”. But we all know the age old adage that “practice makes perfect”. Therefore, we can make things perfect, if we try hard enough.

Also, the author uses the chromosomal intelligence argument to suggest the following with the help of music theory. That, Lord Krishna[2], was a personality being, who was a genius, played flute as a musical instrument, and also had many female followers in the Indian context, called gopis. The author is aware due to a TED-ED video that music is the brain’s equivalent of a full body workout. With this, if we look at Albert Einstein, he was a genius, played violin, and also had many female followers, his second wife was even his cousin. Again, for the case of John Forbes Nash Jr, he was a genius, he played Fur elise inside the Princeton corridors, and had many female followers. Also last but not the least. Richard Phiilips Feynman, was a genius, played bongo drums, had many female followers. But Einstein, Feynman, and Nash existed at the same time! And at different places. Therefore it must be true that God is everyone and everywhere.

3. Language is key to understanding the universe

Poetry Or Quotations Or Equations Or Compression Or New Language is the old language. Perhaps, I feel, writing poetry, or adding “lol” or “emoji” or some sense “Shits” or “F**K” as in harsh and sweet words etc… in serious concepts or explanations which sort of tricks the brain like sweet words mentioned above, (Which I guess, Feynman also said “Learn something in the most irreverent way possible”) (Isn’t this principle also being exploited by Charlie Chaplin or John Oliver or Jon Stewart shows? Why not extend it to computation, or perhaps in scientific terms reduce the heat as we reduce our neuronal heaviness as humans, not sure, just rants, for now, could be examined whenever ready!) gives me more ability to compress and fast connect the words to meaningful sentences, this could perhaps also be brute-forced to learn? I don’t know. To comprehend & compress faster for others.

But would it be possible to extend this sweet poetry notion to extend to computing and coding to trick the computer to make it faster?

Property of smoothness and remove discrete 0 & 1, is what I believe what we have been working for in quantum computing? Because a wave function is continuous & we want to exploit the mixing property of two spin quantum states?

Like “A motion of numbers” perhaps if we want to sound like a madman. This is linear feeding I think, but can we do “Dancing of numbers or extend this, a dancing of bits or qubits, or non-linear processing”.

Example Wheeler: “Space tells matter how to move, Matter tells space how to curve” the end of equations. It now exists as intuition & understanding is achieved without equations.

Example Wheeler: “Space tells matter how to move, Matter tells space how to curve” the end of equations. It now exists as intuition & understanding is achieved without equations.

Equations doing the same thing.

Perhaps the sloka’s too.

4. Unifying the four forces of nature through language.

The equation is said to be written from the brain. Before it appeared on the blackboard, the four mathematical equations, it was nothing. Therefore , nothingness is the force which exists outside the brain and hence is the force that combines the four forces of nature.

5. Vision, Learning, Understanding

For this one needs to understand calligraphy and study the handwriting of the greats! All the secrets of their vision in Edison lies in the handwriting of cutting long cuts, Feynman’s long upper strokes of p’s and Einstein’s exact dots on the top of the i’s, cuts of the t’s higher than 75% above.


[1] Genome: Matt Ridley “An autobiography of a species”

[2] Bhagavad Geeta



Jyotishraj Thoudam
Age of Awareness

I'm a citizen of planet Earth. Living in the present where the mind is free, and imagination takes over to new realms of understanding 🙂.